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RANNBHOOMI - The war is on

Rannbhoomi gives your class a name, a face, a logo, a colour, a meaning... which will later become part of your permanent identity at IMNU, imprinted on your every Nirma memory for the rest of your life.


Rannbhoomi - The mother of all competitions, would surely be the biggest, most aggressive and exciting battle of your life at IMNU you will witness! It is an inter-class battle between all sections where each class is given a chance to promote itself and to prove that it is the best. It’s all about branding your class, bringing out the best in people and exhibiting diversified strength and unity as a section.


In Ranbhoomi, each class comes up with a video, banners, flags, slogans, jingles, dance sequences, songs, skits or anything that it can think of to brand itself.


It’s the battle you just can't afford to miss.

It's more than just a competition. It's WAR!

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